(collectie tot juli 2024 – zie ook: https://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/demammoeten
5 minute dungeon ; 7 Wonders; Altiplano; Ark Nova; Aquasphere; Azul; Big deal; Bunny Kingdom; Cash&Guns (2nd edition); Carcassonne (Big Box); Carthagena; Cascadia; Cavemen; Caverna; Clans of Caledonia; Codenames; Codenames Pictures; Coimbra; Coatl; Colt Express; Crokinole; Cry Havoc; Darwin’s Journey; De Grote Dalmutti; De verdwenen ruïnes van Arnak; Dice Forge; Die Burgen von Burgund; Dixit; Elfenland; Elysium; Five Tribes; Forest Shuffle; Great Western Trail; Guillotine; Hanzesteden; Het Dorp; Imaginarium; Imperial 2030; Imperial Settlers; Indigo; Istanbul; King of Tokyo; Kingsburg; Kwakzalvers van Kakelenburg; Lady Alice; La Granja; Legenden van Andor; Linko; Lords of the Waterdeep; Lorenzo Il Magnifico; Mac Robber; Mage Knight Board Game; Magic Maze; Nexus Ops; Odin; Orakel van Delphi; Orléans; Pandemie; Patchwork; Perudo; Potion Explosion; Quadropolis; Raja’s van de Ganges; Russian Railroads; Saga; Scythe; Seasons; Space Base; Spirit Island; Splendor; Steampunk Rally Fusion; Stenen Tijdperk; Terraforming Mars; Terra Mystica + uitbreiding vuur en ijs; Tapestry; Taveernen v/d Oude stad + uitbreiding “kamer te huur”; Tekhenu – Obelisk of the Sun; Tichu; The Golden Ages; Ticket to Ride Märklin; Tiletum; Trajan; Tzolkin; Viticulture essential edition; Wingspan + Europa uitbreiding; Yamataï; Yokohama